Posted on May 27th, 2013 by Dave under Bikes, custom bicycles, For Sale, Tandem bicycles, velodrome.
Tags: bicycles albuquerque
Just a quick notation on my “restoration” services. This frame from 1991 was one I’d made for one of the shop’s team riders. Gabe was/is very hard on his equipment. I don’t recall seeing as many dents in any one frame or fork before. Of course he explained it away as being this crash or that incident…. here’s a look at it when it arrived a couple days ago..

Well used MAX Porter click on to enlarge-arrow back
The frame was at the bike store hanging in the repair area. I asked about it and the guys said that he wanted to build it up again and ride it as his last “lightweight” (steel-bamboo) had broken in half.. Anyway, not wanting him “out there” on one of my frames that was as beat up as this old race bike, I offered a Bro deal to make it at least presentable again and the “deal” allowed me some discretion in how it would look.. His fork was the worst as it had been laying in the dirt in his back yard for years…

really rusted steerer tube
The fork had been in one of the previously mentioned crashes.. a crit where he’d got off line and sucked a marker cone between the blade and wheel.. I always liked the look of the MAX crown and the fat aero blades though they never fit worth a damn and required excess filler to look half way right. Nevertheless I spent some extra time to make this one safe and functional again.. Here’s a couple after the repair shots.. even still I missed a big ding in the top tube.. maybe a decal will cover it, just like the old PowerBar decal in the first picture..

AH! Signal Green.. like FM pumps..

seat lug

a real pump peg
Well, it is what it is.. probably good for a couple more years hammering from an old guy, but former National jersey winner..
As usual send me your comments and critiques…
Posted on November 28th, 2012 by Dave under Bikes, custom bicycles, For Sale, Tandem bicycles, velodrome.
Tags: bicycles albuquerque
I got this oldish tube set from Omar at Oasis Bikes in AZ, he’d had it kicking around his shop for nearly ten years I think he said. At any rate his price was fair and I wanted a project and thought it would be well suited to long day rides, commuting and even touring, though I’ll admit I didn’t design it for fenders as originally it was going to be a cross bike… As Dale (CR list serve) alluded to, it has some NM turquoise and some NV Buffalo turquoise and some silver, chrome and polished steel bits to make it stand apart.If anyone wants custom racks, that’s possible too. My dog and a neighbors dog got into a bit of a well, dog fight and now I have some pending expenses I hadn’t planned on and that explains the low pricing. It’s a 1″ steerer if that makes or breaks the deal. The tubes are from Columbus and are the over sized FOCO kit with the unicrown fork and pre-mitered straight blades. It’s sized 57 x 56cm.
FOCO is made from an alloy called “Thermachrome”. It has the interesting and specific characteristic of having the same tensile strength after brazing or welding as before. There are no “hard” spots on the frame. This brings the frame closer to the builder’s ideal of taking the 8 tubes of the frame and uniting them into a single cohesive unit.
Here’s some pictures of the finished bike dolled up with paint and decals. I didn’t get the original Columbus decal from Omar so I just used an old Columbus “special tubes” decal for the job. Enjoy. Click on pics to enlarge..

Pumpkin patch Fondo

Buffalo Turquoise on the stays treatment

Chromed dropouts

Sterling silver and Turquoise head badge

silver wedding bands at the ends of the head tube too..
email me Well, I got through the City’s extortion proceedings without this frame, now built up and hanging in a local bike store (Bike Coop) being sold, so the killer deal is gone and it is priced accordingly.
Posted on October 25th, 2012 by Dave under Bikes, custom bicycles, Tandem bicycles, velodrome.
Tags: bicycles albuquerque
The title is misleading. I just saw a post on the frame builders forum asking the members what they were taking to this years Philly Expo, well I’m not going simply because it’s a long way from here. I did however just finish another Spirit tubed racer for an old friend whose Eisentraut was totaled by an automobile. It was at least 30 years old and overdue for replacement anyway. So here’s a couple shots before it gets delivered to Colorado next week.
click on pics to enlarge.double click for huge. arrow back to text.

Santa Fe Style racer 52x51.5cm

BB shot-SRAM newRed group-nice stuff!

Turquoise on turquoise Imron

Already have the tires dirty..couldn't resist a 1st ride
So was my old friend happy? Yeah, I’d say he was..

Rick after his 1st 20 miler.
We did 19.8 miles at a 16.9 average into and back with a 10-15 mph quartering wind and no drafting except when passing other riders on the busy Bosque trail, all while BS’ing about the new bike and components and what not. I reckon Rick is over 50 and I’m over 60 so all in all not a bad shake down ride. We never even had to stop for adjustments.
Posted on April 17th, 2011 by Dave under Bikes, Tandem bicycles, velodrome.
Tags: bicycles albuquerque
Here are the best set of pictures that I was able to find.. well, to be absolutely truthful, the one’s with my bikes in it ;~`) and here’s another set
Posted on March 18th, 2011 by Dave under Bikes, For Sale, Tandem bicycles.
Tags: bicycles albuquerque

Off to the Santa Fe Concorso

LeMans winner Bob Bondurant and wife Patty at Concorso
Framers and visitors:
Finished and ready for the San Diego bike show… It’s pretty sweet if I may say so myself..
I was in a hurry and took the pictures before I’d properly adjusted the handlebar positions.. so I’ve already been chastised for that..
This is the low trail design that Martin Manning (bike geometry 101) suggested that I try. This falls below the 2″ threshold and I must admit that it feels very light. The idea is that it will be less twitchy at lower speeds but still very stable at higher speeds due to the team weight (mass).
Haven’t had a stoker on it yet, but due to initial feeling I see no reason for it not to be as predicted. It’s a 74.5 degree head tube if you all are wondering.
OK, if one looks at the pictures you’ll see that the captain’s bars are at the same height as the seat. I don’t know precisely what the dynamics of this arrangement set up, something akin to over-leverage, Suffice it to say that after I flipped the stem over to a slightly negative rise the oversteering issue disappeared and the tandem handles like a dream.
In respect to the short trail design, I suspect that the major tandem suppliers don’t do this to protect themselves from litigation arising from neophyte owners with little or no tandem experience.
Hope you all approve.. have a great weekend
Click on to enlarge-return arrow to escape

tote that load

sure is green

lotta rake

pretty Turquoise bits

adequate stoker space
Price yet to be determined…
Posted on February 10th, 2011 by Dave under Bikes, For Sale.
Tags: bicycles albuquerque, custom bicycles, hand made bicycles, New Mexico
I had this same frame up for sale several months ago. Unfortunately I knocked it off the hook it was hanging on and bounced it off the fender of a customer’s car fender. Ahh, both were dented… The frame fared better than the car, but it’s really hard to sell damaged goods. So I stripped the paint, repaired the small dent and polished the dropouts as a bonus.
It’s a 58cm seat to top, 57cm top tube c to c. Seat angle is 73 degrees and the head tube angle is 72 degrees. It weighs a tad over 3lbs and is freshly painted with DuPont Imron slate grey metallic and clear coated too. It’s a 27.2 seat post, English threaded BB and 130mm spacing. The Columbus Spirit (shaped) tubes are arguably the most advanced bicycle steel tubing ever offered. Near the weight of carbon fiber, but the resilient high performance feel only steel can offer.
This was a frame I made for my personal use as a long distance road bike. I’m an old racer at heart and still like the steeper head and seat angles, so it just sat around collecting dust. This should make any discerning collector a really nice bike! It’s an inch and a quarter ID head tube for thread-less fork. I am asking $750.00 and I’ll ship it anywhere in CONUS.

right side-click to enlarge
“Back” arrow to return to text.

Silver Jack Rabbit & turquoise

Left side
Call me at 505-352-1378 Dave……..